Santa Ruined My Mantyhose

It started on Christmas Day. Santa sat on top of my chimney, and cut a loud, bigly fart. Earlier, Schweinhund, Buttstink and Jigaboo had taken bigly piles of dumps in my fireplace, leaving me plenty of fuel to burn and keep my brothel warm and smelling good. Santa's bigly farts caused a whirling Dervish down the chimney to my fireplace. Flames shot out, burning up most of the dog turds in a bright hot flash. Santa Claus started dropping a huge pile of turds down the chimney,with many turning into hard hot coals. Some of the hard hot coals magically flew down my Mantyhose, sending warm tingles up my joebidenhole. Suddenly, hot molten lava blew out my scrotum, turning into coal in my Mantyhose. Posted by Dervnac The Magnificent DNTM 0007